钟锦强 教授博导

邮箱: jinqiang@tongji.edu.cn





1997年9月---2001年7月      复旦大学物理系,获学士学位

2001年9月---2003年5月      美国纽约大学物理系,获硕士学位

2003年5月---2006年5月      美国纽约大学物理系,获理学博士学位


2006年12月---2009年7月    美国加州大学(UCSB)物理系 任职:博士后

2009年7月---2011年6月      美国耶鲁大学地球物理系   任职:博士后

2011年7月---2011年7月      美国耶鲁大学地球物理系 任职:研究员

2012年2月至今                    59599aa美高梅    任职:教授, 博导


2013年-2021年   Electomagnetism(电磁学)  物理专业本科生课程,全英文授课

2020年                普通物理A                             非物理专业本科生课程

2019年-2021年   物理类基础科学前沿讲座       本科生课程


从事流体物理与交叉学科的研究:(1) 旋转流体的旋涡与热输运 (2) 流体中的湍流与稳定性 (3) 气-液, 固-液等多相对流现象。


2016年               59599aa美高梅“传承感恩”科创青年奖教金;

2016年               美高梅优秀共产党员荣誉称号;

2014年               美高梅“师风师德优秀教师”。


国家高层次人才(科技领军人才) 2021;

国家海外高层次青年人才 (2012);

科技部中青年科技创新推进计划 (2020);

上海市浦江人才计划 (2012-2015);

国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目 (2022-2025);

国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2018-2022);

国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2016-2020);

国家自然科学基金(NSFC)与香港研究资助局(RGC)合作项目 (2016-2020);

国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2012-2015);

上海市自然科学基金面上项目 (2022-2025)。

Physical Review Letters, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review Fluids, Physical Review E, J. Heat Mass Trans 等国际期刊常邀审稿人
美国物理学会,地理学会和Sigma Xi会员


(1)“Inverse centrifugal effect induced by collective motion of vortices in rotating turbulent convection.” S.-S. Ding, K. Chong, J.-Q. Shi, G.-Y. Ding, H.-Y. Lu, K.-Q. Xia*, J.-Q. Zhong*. Nature Communications, 12, 5585 (2021);

(2)“Flow structures and heat transport in Taylor-Couette system with axial temperature gradient” X.-Y. Leng, D. Krasnov, B.-W. Li, J.-Q. Zhong*. J. Fluid Mech., 920, A42 (2021);
(3)“Heat transport scaling and transition in geostrophic rotating convection with varying aspect ratio” H.-Y. Lu, G.-Y. Ding, J.-Q. Shi, K.-Q. Xia*, J.-Q. Zhong*. Phys. Rev. Fluids (Letters), 6, L071501 (2021).
(4)“Robust propagation of internal coastal Kelvin waves in complex domains.” C. Ren, X. Fan, Y. Xia, T. Chen, L. Yang, J.-Q. Zhong*, H. P. Zhang*. Phys. Rev. Fluids (Letters), 6, L022801 (2021);
(5)“Enhanced heat transport in thermal convection with suspensions of expandable particles.” S. Hu, L. Jia, K. Wang, J.-Q. Zhong, J. Zhang*. J. Fluid Mech., 928, R1 (2021);
(6)“Vortices as Brownian Particles in Turbulent Flows.” K. Chong, J.-Q. Shi, G.-Y. Ding, S.-S.Ding, H.-Y. Lu, J.-Q. Zhong*, K.-Q. Xia*. Science Advances, 6, eaaz1110, 1-7 (2020);
(7)“Fine vortex structure and flow transition to the geostrophic regime in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection” J.-Q. Shi, H.-Y. Lu, S.-S. Ding and J.-Q. Zhong*, Phys. Rev. Fluids (Rapid Communications), 5, 011501 (2020);
(8)“Streaming controlled by meniscus shape” Y.-C. Huang*, C. P. Wolfe; J. Zhang, J.-Q. Zhong*, J. Fluid Mech., 895, A1-1, (2020);
(9)“Solidification of binary aqueous solutions under periodic cooling. Part 1. Dynamics of mushy- layer growth,” G.-Y. Ding, A. J. Wells and J.-Q. Zhong*, J. Fluid Mech., 870, 121–146, (2019);
(10)“Solidification of binary aqueous solutions under periodic cooling. Part 2. Distribution of solid fraction,” G.-Y. Ding, A. J. Wells and J.-Q. Zhong*, J. Fluid Mech., 870, 147–174, (2019);
(11)“Temperature fluctuations relevant to thermal-plume dynamics in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection” S.-S. Ding, H.-M. Li, W.-D. Yan and J.-Q. Zhong*, Phys. Rev. Fluids. 4, 023501 (2019);
(12)“The dynamics of an insulating plate over a thermally convecting fluid and its implication for continent movement over convective mantle,” Y. Mao, J.-Q. Zhong and J. Zhang, J. Fluid Mech., 868, 286–315 (2019);
(13)“Stochastic dynamics of fluid–structure interaction in turbulent thermal convection.” J. Huang, J.-Q. Zhong, J. Zhang, and L. Mertz, J. Fluid Mech. (Rapids), 854, R5, (2018);
(14)“Confined Rayleigh-Bénard, Rotating Rayleigh-Bénard and Double Diffusive Convection: A Unifying View on Turbulent Transport Enhancement Through Coherent Structure Manipulation” K.-L. Chong, Y. Yang, S.-D. Huang, J.-Q. Zhong, R. Stevens, R. Verzicco, D. Lohse and K.-Q. Xia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 064501 (2017);
(15)“Enhanced azimuthal rotation of the large-scale flow through stochastic cessations in turbulent rotating convection with large Rossby numbers,” J.-Q. Zhong*, H.-M. Li, X.-Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. Fluids. 2, 044602 (2017);
(16)“Dynamical and statistical phenomena of circulation and heat transfer in periodically forced rotating turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection,” S. Sterl, H.-M. Li, J.-Q. Zhong*, Phys. Rev. Fluids. 1, 084401 (2016);
(17) “Dynamics of the Large-Scale Circulation in Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard Convection with modulated rotation.” J.-Q. Zhong*, S. Sterl, and H.-M. Li, J. Fluid Mech.(Rapids), 778, R4, 1-12 (2015);
(18)“Experimental investigation of time-dependent compositional flux in solidifying binary aqueous solutions.” Z.-C. Yin, Q. Zhou*, and J.-Q. Zhong*, Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics. 30, 357-364 (2015);
(19) "Steady turbulent density currents on a slope in rotating fluid." G. E. Manucharyan, J.-Q. Zhong and J. S. Wettlaufer, J. Fluid Mech.,746, 405-436 (2014);
(20)"Finite-sample-size effects on convection in mushy layers." J.-Q. Zhong, A. T. Fragoso, A. J. Wells and J. S. Wettlaufer, J. Fluid Mech., 704, 89-108 (2012);
(21) "Mushy layer dynamics in micro and hyper gravity." J. O'Rourke, A. Riggs, C. Guertler, P. Miller, C. Padhi, M. Popelka, J.-Q. Zhong and J. S. Wettlaufer, Phys. Fluids 24, 103305 (2012);
(22)“Streaks to Rings to Vortex Grids: Generic Patterns in Transient Convective Spin-Up of an evaporation fluid.” J.-Q. Zhong, M. Patternson and J. S. Wettlaufer, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 044504 (2010);
(23)“Heat transport and the large-scale circulation in rotating turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” J.-Q. Zhong and G. Ahlers. J. Fluid Mech., 665, 300-333 (2010);
(24)“Finite-size effects lead to supercritical bifurcations in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” S. Weiss, R. Stevens, J.-Q. Zhong, H. Clercx, D. Lohse, and G. Ahlers, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, 225401 (2010);
(25)“Prandtl-, Rayleigh-, and Rossby-number dependence of heat transport in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” J.-Q. Zhong, R.J.A.M. Stevens, H. J. H. Clercx, R. Verzicco, D. Lohse, and G. Ahlers, Phys. Rev. Lett.(cover letter), 102, 044502 (2009);
(26)“Enhanced heat-transport by turbulent two-phase Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” J.-Q. Zhong, D. Funfschilling and G. Ahlers*. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 124501 (2009);
(27)“Transitions between turbulent states in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” R.J.A.M. Stevens, J.-Q. Zhong, H.J.H. Clercx, G. Ahlers, and D. Lohse*, Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 024503 (2009);
(28)“Turbulent two-phase Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” J.-Q. Zhong and G. Ahlers, Proceedings of the European Turbulence Conference. ETC12, (2009);
(29)“Prandtl-, Rayleigh-, and Rossby-number dependence of heat transport in turbulent rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection.” R.J.A.M. Stevens, J.-Q. Zhong, H.J.H. Clercx, D. Lohse, and G. Ahlers, Proceedings of the European Turbulence Conference, ETC12, 529-532 (2009);
(30)(also in:) Advances in Turbulence XII, B. Eckhardt (ed.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 132, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009);
(31)“Modeling the dynamics of a free boundary on turbulent thermal convection.” J.-Q. Zhong and J. Zhang, Phys. Rev. E, 76, 016307 (2007);
(32)“Dynamical states of a mobile heat blanket on a thermally convecting fluid.” J.-Q. Zhong and J. Zhang*, Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Communications), 75, 055301(R) (2007);
(33)“Thermal convection with a freely moving top boundary.” J.-Q. Zhong and J. Zhang*, Phys. Fluids, 17,115105 (2005).
